Apr 25, 2016

Preparing Malted Grains with Sun Oven

I have found that adding a few malted grains to my bread makes for a tasty loaf. It is quite simple to malt your grains. I find that barley is the best and I also like to throw in some malted wheat grain.
First I sprout the grain just like I do for sprouts, except I only let it grow for a day or so. Here is a picture of my wheat and barley grain getting ready. You must use fresh barley with the hull. Pearled barley won't sprout. Locally I can only find hull-less barley at Whole Foods. It works fine but not as much flavor as regular hull barley. I also have a jar of alfalfa seeds starting.

Next I put them in the special sized pan we purchased from Sun Oven.

Then Roast them in my 17 year old Global Sun Oven.

The glass got steamed up like it does with any other baking but I need to get the moisture out so I placed the glass on top of the hold-down pin to encourage air exchange.


I let them dry a little more on the counter for a day or so them put them in a jar until bread day. I now have malted wheat and barley. Oh, you will love that great smell when you grind the malted grains in your mill!

Now I can bake some delicious bread.

Have a Sunny Day my friend.

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